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New Website Singles Out 'Singles'



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New Website Singles Out ‘Singles’

By Nancy K. Crevier

Although Lois Barber has been happily out of the singles market for three decades, the matchmaker within lit up when her friend and single mother, Ivette Gerics, noodled out loud last winter about setting up an online business to help single people meet other single people in everyday situations.

“Lois got so excited. She said, ‘What a great idea,’” laughed Ms Gerics on Friday, October 8, just one week after the two women launched www.CTSinglesInfo.com.

“I’ve always been a matchmaker,” admitted Ms Barber, “even though none of them have worked out. But I meet so many wonderful single people who say they can’t find someone nice out there.”

The website is a free, no registration required information network for single people over 30 years of age, providing “one-stop shopping” for singles looking for ways to connect, at a designated time and place.

“There is a huge void out there. Singles are not being addressed,” Ms Gerics said.

“I remember what it’s like to be single,” added Ms Barber. “It’s hard to meet someone.”

“There is a small window of opportunity to meet other singles each week,” said Ms Gerics, “what with work, kids, and just everything life throws at you. It can be frustrating. [CTSinglesInfo] is a way to incorporate everyday routine into a way to meet people.”

Those everyday routines include shopping, pet activities, laundry, school events, church, charitable and nonprofit events, movies, and so much more, said the women. Knowing that other singles will be in a setting at a given time and day puts everyone in a more comfortable space for connecting.

“If you’re shopping or doing laundry, it’s something you do regularly. You’re in an element where you feel comfortable, and are more likely to strike up a conversation,” explained Ms Gerics. “Take dog parks, for example. How simple is that? You have a dog, there will be others there who have and like dogs, too. You have something in common and something to talk about,” she said.

At the website, singles will find links to opportunities to meet other singles, such as Everyday Opportunities, Kid Friendly Opportunities or Charity Events. Click on a link and the site brings you to more specific information on when and where singles might be gathering.

“Right now, in Newtown, we have McLaughlin Vineyards, Newtown Deli, and Hot Shots on board with us,” said Ms Barber, “and we have other businesses in the area, as well, such as Chuck-E-Cheese in Danbury.”

Advertisers pay a small amount to purchase a listing with CTSinglesInfo.com, but charitable and nonprofit groups are listed for free when the women feel an event will appeal to singles. Because they believe that many single people over the age of 30 know what is and is not important in their lives, charitable events, blood drives, and community events that support a cause can serve as meeting grounds for those with like ideas.

“People are brought together to talk about a common cause,” said Ms Gerics.

Once an opportunity is selected, a single can visit during the designated time when it is suggested other single people may be found in a greater than normal concentration. Again, because these are “comfort zone” places, just by being there an icebreaker is in place.

How one identifies another single during an event is a little bit “single radar,” a little bit detective work, and also by becoming a friend of the CTSinglesInfo Facebook page, which the women update regularly to keep visitors aware of happenings that may appeal to singles.

“Anyone can view our Facebook page without becoming a friend, if they don’t want to,” said Ms Barber, “but if they do, it could be a way to post something — like a car or dog — that the person is proud of, and that can provoke a conversation.”

The CTSinglesInfo Facebook page also is a means for singles to send private messages, or to post a note publicly, if they have repeatedly seen someone at a singles meeting place and want to connect.

As one of the original founders of the Newtown Relay For Life, which has grown from a smattering of organizers to an event that attracts thousands, Ivette Gerics realizes it can take a while for a new idea to get off the ground. She and Ms Barber are hopeful, however, that CTSinglesInfo will attract a following in short order.

“It could become a resource center for singles who will find on our website what is available and appealing to singles,” said Ms Gerics. “I think it will be great for singles, and great for our community.”

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