Think And Vote Local November 2
To the Editor:
There’s a lot coming at all of us on the national level right now — big and important stuff — the border, the economy and inflation, the pandemic. In the midst of that, let’s not lose sight of the important local election coming up on November 2. That election influences what happens right here in our backyard and is our chance as Newtown residents to help shape the future of our town and community.
Our votes will set the direction for how we approach issues such as:
*Maintaining local influence over planning and zoning vs relinquishing control to the state
*Focusing our energies and taxes on improving student learning and outcomes for all students in all our schools
*Reducing our reliance on debt and keeping Newtown affordable for all, especially our seniors and families wrestling with the ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic
*Setting an achievable and affordable long-term plan and vision for the town with major financial impacts such as Fairfield Hills in mind
*Further enhancing coordination between our different town boards as they devote their time toward that vision
I encourage all voters to take this opportunity to think carefully about what we want for our town and to cast your votes based on the stated positions of the candidates who are running. Before you decide, take a look at the people who have put themselves out there to run and serve at I’m confident you will find a group of individuals who have good ideas for Newtown and track records of accomplishment that demonstrate they know how to make those ideas a reality.
Vote on November 2.
Dennis Brestovansky
Chair, Newtown Republican Town Committee
Dear readers. As you may know, we as authors do not have the opportunity to choose titles for our letters. I would like to clarify that one of the points behind my letter is to encourage us to THINK LOCALLY as we vote on November 2. We are not casting our votes based on the national agenda of parties, but rather on what candidates have said they will do for us locally, here in Newtown. This is a locally election.