Supporting Tom Long For LC
To the Editor:
District 3 Voters: I write to urge you to vote for Tom Long for Legislative Council. I’ve known Tom for about 20 years. I think what sets him apart from most candidates for a new position on the council are two things. First, he’s smart but doesn’t feel compelled to prove that; that is, he’s not going to talk and posture to hear his own voice. He is, as his campaign literature puts forth, a collaborative person and that’s important in these polarizing times.
Second, though many candidates bring local political experience like Tom does (Charter Revision, Booth Library Board, Edmond Town Hall Board, etc.), Tom’s work experience is also useful for he’s been involved in quasi-public agencies for a long time and will bring that appreciation of how bureaucracies and government work to the table. I was glad to learn of his running and you will be glad he is representing you if you put him in office.
Will Rodgers