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The Purchasing Authority And Voting



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The Purchasing Authority

And Voting

To the Editor:

“The Financial Director, in conjunction with the First Selectman, shall be the purchasing authority for all supplies and contracts for services, except professional services needed by the Town…” (Newtown Charter, page 18).

Thus, two people make the decisions on awarding contracts for the town, and one of the two is a town employee reporting directly to the first selectman. The charter is unclear who chooses and hires consultants.

The issue for the next charter revision group and the Legislative Council is to review the process by which contracts for municipal services are awarded. Does a system of checks and balances need to be developed to avoid favoritism or simply poor choices? Certainly, guidelines for retaining consultants need to be part of the town charter.

In each legislative district new persons have stepped forward to serve. More women are candidates and are challenging the incumbents. Keen minds and new visions are needed to guide our town in the coming years. Unfortunately, most incumbents are unopposed. The Democrats have failed to offer candidates for the three state representative positions. In November, Newtown will hold a Communist Russian election of the 1980s. You can vote for the only candidate on the ballot. That is not making a choice!

In protest, consider voting only for offices that are contested. The Legislative Council and the Zoning Board alternate positions have more than one candidate. That’s all. Cast four votes — for four council members in your district and one P&Z alternate.

Ruby Johnson

16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook                      October 14, 2005

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