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Danbury Hospital Hosts Programs For Pastoral Care Week Oct. 23-30



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Danbury Hospital Hosts Programs For Pastoral Care Week Oct. 23–30

DANBURY — Danbury Hospital’s Pastoral Care Department invites clergy, parish nurses, and the community to attend programs at Danbury Hospital during National Pastoral Care Week October 23 to 30. This year’s theme is “Healing Wisdom.”

According to the Rev Dr Paul E. Beavers, director of pastoral care, highlights of the week of celebration include the third annual Oncology Conference for clergy, pastoral visitors, and parish nurses on Monday, October 24, from 10 am to noon in The Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital Conference Room, first floor, Stroock Building.

Patrice Hough, manager of the Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital, will present the overview, “New Innovations/Treatment Modalities for Cancer Patients,” and Rosemary Kasinskas, RN, will discuss, “What Helps and What Doesn’t from Pastoral Care Persons” from the perspective of a cancer survivor. Participants may park in the Red Parking Garage on Locust Avenue.

On Tuesday, October 25, the Danbury Hospital Pastoral Care Department presents, “End of Life Issues from a Spiritual, Medical, and Legal Perspective,” a free program open to the public. The program will be held in the John C. Creasy Center for Health Education Auditorium at Danbury Hospital from 10 am to noon.

Featured speakers include the Rev Brian Gray, a Catholic chaplain, intensive care nurse Julie McMillan, and Paul Lux, an elder law attorney from Newtown. Attendees may park in the Blue Visitor’s Parking Lot on Hospital Avenue.

Danbury Hospital Parish Nurses also meet on Tuesday, October 25, in the 5 South Conference room at 7 pm.

For more information about National Pastoral Care Week, contact Ms Beavers at 797-7059, or visit www.pastoralcareweek.org.

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