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BAHA'I FAITH OF NEWTOWNContact Margo Deslin364-1167 or 241-5525; WintonFarms@aol.com



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Contact Margo Deslin

364-1167 or 241-5525; WintonFarms@aol.com

Devotional meetings; spiritual discussion meetings; discussions of social issues from a religious perspective. The meetings are held at various locations in Newtown. Call for meeting locations or questions.



3 Side Cut Road, Redding; 938-1317

 Kenneth Brooks, Pastor

Sunday School, 10 am, Sunday morning service, 11 am; Sunday evening service, 6 pm; Wednesday evening service, 7 pm, nursery care provided.



85 Mt Pleasant Road at Tory Lane • 426-6300 or 426-0651


Gregory Wismar, Pastor

Sunday service 10:30 am. The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated on October 23. The choir will sing the anthem “Rain Down.” The Sunday school children will sing “This is the Day.” Sunday school and Bible class begin at 9 am. The calendar for the week includes choir rehearsal on Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Confirmation meets on Thursday at 7 pm followed by Bible study at 8 pm. The Friday Bible Group meets at 12:30 pm in the church office.



1070 Roxbury Road, Southbury; 267-1330

Fr Vladimir Aleandro, Priest

Christ the Savior is a pan-Orthodox, all-English mission of the New England Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. Sunday, Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am; coffee hour and fellowship follows. Saturday, Great Vespers, 6 pm.



Saw Mill Road; 203-438-3026

 Family History Center 426-1752

Bishop David H. Oakes

Sunday Sacrament Meeting, 9:30 to 10:30 am; Sunday school and primary school at 10 am; Priesthood, Relief Society, and Young Women meeting, 11 am; teenagers’ activities on Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 pm. The women’s organization also sponsors monthly classes on topics dealing with the family and homemaking on the second Thursday at 7 pm.



239 Greenwood Avenue

Pastor Dan Kelly, 791-8015 • www.churchofbethel.org

Sundays: 10 am worship service, kids’ church and nursery; 6 pm Sunday School, children, youth, and adult. Monday: 9:30 am Ladies’ Bible study, child care provided. Thursday, 7:15 pm Youth Group. Prayer meeting for men and ladies.



Meets at Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street (at the flagpole)

The Rev Robert Tarullo, Pastor, 270-3730


Worship services, Sunday at 11 am and 6 pm. Nursery is provided. Sunday School classes for all ages is at 9:30 am. Adult classes with discuss the Holiness of God, video series by R.C. Sproul. The Prayer Meeting and Bible study meet at the home of the pastor on Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Also, a Women’s Bible study meets the first Friday of each month. Contact Pastor Tarullo for more information about the congregation and the Reformed Faith at 270-3730 or visit online www.communityopcct.org.



27 Roxbury Road (corner of Routes 6 & 67), Southbury; 262-1944

Sunday services, 11 am. Worldwide weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson with readings from the Bible and correlative passages from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Join in singing hymns, silent prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer. Sunday School for children to age 20 at 11 am. New pupils are asked to come a few minutes early. Child care also is provided. Wednesday, Testimony Meeting on the healing effects of prayer in daily lives, 7:30 to 8:30 pm; everyone is invited.



466 Elm Street, Monroe; 268-7596

 The Rev Bryan A. Leone, Pastor

Sunday worship services with Holy Communion at 8 am and 10:30 am. Christian education for preschool through adult at 9:15 am. Tuesday evening Adult Bible Study with Pastor Leone at 7 pm. Bell Choir and Senior Choir meet on Thursday at 6:45 pm and 7:30 pm, respectively.



174 Mt Pleasant Road; 270-1005

The Rev Barry Fredericks, Pastor

The Rev Sheila Fredericks, Associate Pastor

The Rev Christopher Caton, Associate Pastor The Rev Adam Fredericks, Children & Youth Pastor

Sunday Worship, 8 am and 10 am; Youth Service, 10 am; Children’s Church and Nursery at all services. Wednesday worship, 7 pm; Thursday, Weekly Healing School, 1–2:30 pm; Friday Healing Service, second Friday of the month, 7 pm; Ladies Fellowship, Leading Ladies, and Bible Study first Monday of the month at 7 pm; Men’s Fellowship, Breakfast of Champions, first Saturday, 8–10 am, at the church; Saturday Bible Blast, held quarterly, for children 4 to 12; U-nite for Junior High youth first and third Friday evening.



Meets at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street

Ernestine Urquhart, Pastor; 270-8882

This interdenominational Christian church meets Sundays, 9–10:45 am, for morning worship in the Mary Hawley Room of Edmond Town Hall, with fellowship immediately following the service. All are welcome. Women’s Group meets Fridays, 7:30–8:45 pm; call the pastor for more information.



Eighth and Roberts Avenues, Danbury;748-0671

Robert Hublak, Youth Director  •  Susan Pataut, Choir Director

Sunday Divine Liturgy, 10 am, coffee hour follows. Church School every Thursday, 6:30 pm. Pierogie cooking sessions Tuesday, 9 am to noon. Holy Trinity is a New Calendar, English services parish. Guests and visitors are always welcome.



122 South Pomperaug Avenue, Woodbury; 266-4810

The Rev Carol Wolff

Sunday Service, 10:30 am. Religious education and child care are available during the service. Visitors are welcome.



(National Association Congregational Christian Churches)

Corner Route 133 at Tower Road, Brookfield; 775-1392

The Rev Paul R. Ricard

Worship service 10 am. Refreshments served in Fellowship Hall immediately following the morning worship. Sunday school is provided for all youth who wish to attend. Anyone who needs special assistance should contact the church office.


NEWTOWN BIBLE CHURCH (formerly Bible Baptist Church)

 35 Sugar Street (Route 302); 426-6484

Pastor/Teacher Steve Plodinec; NBibleC@yahoo.com

Children’s and Adult Bible Groups, 9:30 am Sunday; Worship, 10:45 am, with child care.



210 Sugar Street, Newtown; 426-6189; www.NewtownCC.org

Jack Tanner, Minister

Sunday services 10 am. The church also holds a Bible School Hour for adults and children at 8:45 am on Sundays. The first and third Tuesdays of each month is the “Kidz Group” program, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, for Kindergarten through fourth grade. Please call for time and location. For more information, call the church or log on to the website.



14 West Street; 426-9024

The Rev Lee A. Moore, Interim Minister

The Rev Janice Touloukian, Associate Minister

The Rev Alastair Sellars, Pastor Emeritus

Edwin Corfey, Licensed Lay Minister

Dan Coffman, Choir Director

Sunday worship 10 am. Licensed Lay Minister Edwin Corfey and lay members Marie Barresi and Richard Hubert will be presenting the worship service October 23, which is Laity Sunday. The Senior Choir, under the direction of Dan Coffman, will sing “Oh Day of God, Draw Nigh” for the introit, “Deep River” for the anthem, and the “The Lord Bless and Keep You“ for the benediction. Phil Crevier will be at the organ and piano. The Children’s Choir will be at 11:40 am Sunday in the Music Room. Children pre-K through eighth grade are most welcome. It is requested that parents accompany the children for this first orientation meeting with Dan Coffman and his wife, Maureen Kelly, who will be leading the choir. High school youth who enjoy music are invited to join the Senior Choir. The second new member orientation will be immediately after church in the library. Those wishing to know more about the church or who wish to join should attend one of the orientations. The first was held last week. New members will be welcomed during the worship service October 30. Ninth graders and their parents are invited to learn about Confirmation Class 2005-2006 Sunday evening from 7 until 8:30 p.m. Classes begin October 26 at 5 pm. Delegates from NCC will be attending the Fairfield East Association of the United Church of Christ, Connecticut Conference, fall meeting October 26 at Monroe Congregational Church. Friday and Saturday this week, October 21 and 22, delegates will be attending the Fall Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Conference at Kennedy High School in Waterbury.



92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook

The Rev Terry W. Pfeiffer, Pastor

Rev Richard Yerrington, Associate Pastor

The Rev E. Sue Klein, Deacon

426-9998; Fax 426-0865; email newtownoffice@sbcglobal.net

website: www.NUMC.US

Family worship Sundays at 8 and 10 am. Church school, all ages 10:30 am. Adult Bible Study Sundays 9 am. Open hearts, open minds, open doors. All are welcome!



(formerly Connecticut Korean United Church)

20 Old Ridgebury Road, Danbury;

426-8610 or 743-3299; DavidMKim@dreamwiz.com

David Kim, Senior Pastor

Daily morning meeting, 5:30 am; Sunday worship service, 11 am; Wednesday, Praise, Bible, and Prayer Time, 8 pm; Saturday, Neighborhood Bible Study, 8 pm.



United Church of Christ, Route 172, South Britain

The Glen E. Rainsley, Pastor

Sunday worship service, 10 am, followed by coffee hour. There will be a stewardship potluck luncheon after church.



423 Main Street, Monroe; 268-9680

 The Rev Dr George W. Britt, Pastor

David Esarey, Jr, Youth Minister

Sunday school for all ages (birth to adult), 9 am; fellowship, 10 am; worship service, 10:30 am, child care available. Youth Group meets Wednesday, 6:30 pm. Junior Youth Group meets Sundays at 6:30 pm.



 5 Washington Avenue (Route 34),  (Mailing address is PO Box 716),

Sandy Hook ; 426-9938

The Rev Daniel Mattila, Priest

 Jack Hornak, Warden

Sunday service and Holy Eucharist, 9:30 am. Annual events include Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Donut Drive-Thru first Saturday June–August (9 am to 1 pm). St John’s is the home of FAITH Food Pantry, an ecumenical ministry that distributes to those in need on an emergency basis. Hours are Tuesday, 10 am to noon, and Thursday, 6 to 7:30 pm. St John’s also is host to The Sandy Hook Organic Farmers’ Market.



A mission parish of the Orthodox Church of America

93 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, 791-9994; www.oca.org

Saturday, Vespers at 6 pm. Sunday, Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Wednesday, prayer ministry at 7:30 pm, with class following. Services in English, and all are welcome.



46 Church Hill Road; 426-1014

The Rev Robert E. Weiss, Pastor

 The Rev Milan Dimic, Parochial Vicar

 The Rev John Inserra, Parochial Vicar

Thomas F. Curran, Deacon

 Don Naiman, Deacon

Norm Roos, Deacon

Weekday Masses, 6:45 and 9 am; Saturday Masses, 8 am, 4 and 5:30 pm. Sunday Masses are 7:30, 9, 10:30 am and noon. Confessions on Saturdays at 3 to 4 pm or by appointment. Prebaptismal instruction on first Sunday at 1 pm (register with the parish secretary); Holy Day Vigil, 7:30 pm; Holy Day Masses, 6:45 and 9 am, 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Director of Religious Education, Pam Arsenault; Coordinator of Religious Education, Patti Wasicki; Coordinator, Penance & Eucharist, Jean Kechejian; Confirmation Coordinator Janice Gerry; Music Director, Joseph Jacovino; Women’s Club President, Frances Gargano; Men of St Rose, Bill Oravecz.



36 Main Street; 426-9070

The Rev Kathleen E. Adams-Shepherd, Rector

The Rev Carol E. Westpfahl, Assistant Rector

Sue Vogelman, Children’s Education Minister

Douglas Willcox, Youth & Family Minister

Fiona Smith Sutherland, Music Minister

Sunday, 7:30 am, Holy Eucharist, traditional service & language, no music or children’s service; 8:45 and 11:15 am, Holy Eucharist, traditional service with contemporary language, full music program, and children’s service. Church school/adult education 10-11 am, full education program for children ages 3 and up, and for youth and adults. Fully staffed nursery available 8:30 am to 11 am. Continental breakfast available at minimal cost 8 am to 11 am. Youth Sunday in worship is the second Sunday of the month at alternating service times. Child care is provided by a paid adult for the 8:45 am and 11:15 am service each week and during the education hour. Mondays: Girls’ Choir rehearsal, 4:30 pm; Tuesdays: Morning Prayer 10 am; Boys’ Choir rehearsal 4:30 pm. Wednesday: Holy Eucharist and Healing, 7:15 pm. Thursday: Primary Choir rehearsal (K-2nd grade) 4 pm; Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Compline, 9 pm. Church School special events: Blessing of the Animals, All Saints’ Celebration, St Nicholas Day, Christmas Pageant, intergenerational events, Lenten projects, Good Friday Children’s service, Rogation Sunday, outreach projects, and Children’s Liturgy. Trinity has three active youth groups; for youth group meetings and events call the church office. Ongoing opportunities for faith exploration and spiritual growth for adults, both short and long term. For meetings and details, call the church office. Staff includes Ann Tabler, administrative assistant; Marcia Funk, office manager/bookkeeper; and Jack Qubick, sexton.



24 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury

798-1994 (main office) or

438-7190 (DRE office); www.uudanbury.org

Rev Linda Hansen, Minister

Mary Collins, Director of Religious Education (DRE)

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury holds two Sunday services, at 9 and 11 am. The congregation hopes to be in the new Fellowship Hall on October 23. Check the website or call the office to confirm. On October 23, Rev Linda Hansen will lead a service on The Power of One, the Power of Many. “On this United Nations Sunday, we’ll consider the value of joining together to make a difference in our broken world through various organizations, including our congregation.” Rev Hansen will make a case for the value of institutions in spite of their flaws and Doris Henderson will present a pulpitorial about the work of Unitarian Universalists with the United Nations. Members of the Denominational Affairs Committee will be available during coffee hour to share information about their work with the UUA and the UU Service Committee. Child care for young children is available during both services. Religious Education for pre-first through ninth graders is available at the 9 am service; the Senior High Youth Group meets at 4 pm on Sunday afternoons at the church office.



21 West Whisconier Road, Brookfield;

775-2624; www.Danbury.org/vpc

The Rev Ann Beams, Pastor

Sunday service 10 am. The Rev Ann Beams will present the morning message “Love Grows Here, Let’s Nurture Its Growth” on October 23. The scripture lessons will be 2 Chronicles 29:28–31, Mark 4:30–32, and Luke 6:43–45. Sunday school for the elementary grades starts at the end of the Children’s sermon. Middle and high school students start their class after the offering. Child care is provided during the worship service. Fellowship and coffee hour 11 am. The 9 am adult class will discuss “Calvin for Armchair Theologians.” The adult midweek Bible study meets each Tuesday, 7:30 to 9 pm. All are invited to attend for coffee, snacks, fellowship, and study.



156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel; 796-7373


Rev Dr Clive Calver, Senior Pastor

Worship services: Saturday 5 pm and Sunday 9 am, 10:45 am and CORE service 6 pm. Check with the church office for information regarding child care and all children/youth programs taking place during services and throughout the week. Check the website for special events, Bible study and small group information.




B’NAI ISRAEL A Reform Congregation

444 Main Street North, Southbury 06488;

267-3394; www.BnaiIsraelSouthbury.org

 Rabbi Eric Polokoff

Shabbat evening services Fridays at 7:30 and all Jewish holidays. Full religious school, adult education and other Jewish programs. Judaica shop.



111 Huntingtown Road (mailing address is PO Box 623)

426-5188 or 426-6817  • www.CongAdathIsrael.org

Rabbi Shaul Praver

Friday night services, 7:30 pm. The first Friday of the month is a family service. Saturday services on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, 9:30 am. Hebrew School Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4:15 pm. Sunday School 8–10 am and 9:45–noon. President is Eric Israel; Sisterhood co-presidents, Beth Israel and Ellen Lacko; Men’s Club president, Dan Federman. Traditional events include a Purim Carnival, Progressive Dinner, Corn Party and Community Break-The-Fast.



“Danbury’s Only

Conservative Congregation”

193 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury; 792-6161

Rabbi Vivian S. Mayer Shalom Lampell,


Saturday services, 9:30 am. Following each weekly reading, Rabbi Vivian Mayer conducts an exchange of ideas relating to the theme of the reading. For more information, call the synagogue office



141 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury; 748-3355

 Rabbi Clifford Librach

Friday, Reform Services 8 pm. Family Service, third Friday of each month, 7:30 pm. Traditional Services, Saturday at 10 am.

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