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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Hayes ‘Backs The Blue’



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To the Editor:

I hear Republicans claim that it’s not guns that kill people — it’s the mentally ill person who uses them. They argue we need to treat their mental illness but let them keep their guns.

Why not add Alex Jones to the list of the mentally ill needing vocal silencers?

A week ago, it became clear to me that juries awarding large settlements to Sandy Hook families will not stop the tirades of this fanatic talk show host or the threats from his followers.

There is another thing we can do on November 8th: Vote to re-elect Representative Jahana Hayes. She has the support of those who want to curb the sale of bump stocks and automatic rifles. She also has the backing of veterans, and she wants guns in the hands of police trained to use them responsibly.

Democratic Congresswoman Hayes “Backs the Blue.” She is married to a policeman.

You can bet her kitchen table discussions with her husband come from firsthand knowledge of policing issues. She has had her fair share of sleepless nights praying for his safety, and her sensible stand on guns reflects an ability to see all sides of the gun issue.

Can the same be said of her lobbyist opponent?


Molly Fitzmaurice


Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. ryan knapp says:

    Hayes is also endorsed by the Working Families Party which has openly called to Defund The Police.

    1. nb.john.voket says:

      It appears that across the entire landscape of WFP endorsed candidates this year, Jahana Hayes is the only one in Connecticut who is married to a career law enforcement officer. It also appears that such candidates, at least in CT, have no mechanism to remove a nomination from a minor party ballot line when a cross endorsement is made.

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