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Eliminating The BOF – The Wrong Approach



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To the Editor:

I have a reputation as something of a governance wonk. I can take apart the charter review process and implications for Newtown without a Board of Finance (BoF). But in talking to friends and neighbors, it seems the deep diving produces the same conclusion as the initial observation: Eliminating the Board of Finance (BoF) is not good for Newtown.

The instruction given to the Charter Revision Commission by Legislative Council in February 2021 was “Eliminate the BoF.” The justification revolved around redundancies. CRC followed this instruction. I have no doubt that had the instruction been to define the best structure for Newtown financial operations, management and planning, the Referendum questions would not be eliminate the BoF.

In justifying the elimination, the BoF instruction LC stated that “prior to the existence of the BoF in Newtown, the budget, planning and appropriations process went directly to LC.” I wasn’t living in Newtown in early 2000, but voters clearly considered that LC only process flawed, if not broken, and voted the creation of the BoF. Reversing a solution that has served Newtown well, to return to a structure that was known to be problematic does not make a lot of sense.

The CRC chair and some LC members say there will be an appointed financial advisory group established by town ordinance as an alternative to the (elected) BoF. First this isn’t what’s being voted on. Question 2 eliminates the BoF. It does not compel LC to pass an ordinance or do anything related to the void elimination of BoF would create.

Second, an appointed advisory group fails is problematic. The CRC couldn’t come to any agreement as to role, structure, and process for an appointed group. There is no evidence that LC, with incentives to not create a strong group, would approve an ordinance that carries the influence of the BoF? And anyone following the LC appreciates that their plate is overflowing. There isn’t capacity to take on additional work.

During the LC Ordinance Committee meeting October 5, 2022, a member spoke to “the value of a task oriented body staffed with subject matter experts like the Building Inventory group.”

As chair of the referenced Town Building Inventory and Planning Work Group, I consider it a clear warning against an appointed finance group. First treating financial advice as a task lacks appreciation of the learning curve in understanding municipal account (not GAP accounting used in business) and that financial planning is a process not a task. Early on the Work Group produced some constructive work. However, as time passed the downside of an appointed expert advisory group have become apparent.

Passage of ballot Question 2 eliminates the BoF, immediately and without alternatives. If LC is able to create something through ordinance it won’t have the strength and influence the elected BoF has. Newtown rejected LC only and voted to create the BoF. Let’s not go backwards.

Keep the BoF. Vote No on referendum question 2.

Ned Simpson

Sandy Hook

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