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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Candy Collection For Main Street At Big Y



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While out shopping this October, be sure to look for Newtown's Main Street candy collection box at Big Y World Class Market, 6 Queen Street.

Donations of unopened candy will be given to Main Street residents prior to Halloween to be distributed to the many trick-or-treaters who come to their doors.

The candy collection box is currently located inside Big Y by the exit doors.

Candy donations are also being collected at Trinity Episcopal Church, 36 Main Street, near the back entrance.

Big Y World Class Market, 6 Queen Street, is a location in town where people can donate unopened Halloween candy for Newtown's Main Street residents. (Bee Photo, Silber)
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