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Security Guard Arrested At High School For Gun Possession



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Newtown Police this morning arrested an unarmed school security guard on three weapon possession charges.

Charles Baldwin, 48, of Newtown, was arrested on the charges of storing a pistol in unattended motor vehicle, illegal possession of a weapon in a motor vehicle, and possession of a weapon on school grounds, after a weapon was found in his vehicle in the Newtown High School parking lot on October 19. Baldwin was on campus working as an unarmed security guard at the time of the incident.

Police say there was no threat or danger to students or staff of Newtown Public Schools at any time due to the presence of the weapon. There is no indication Baldwin ever possessed or intended to possess the firearm inside any of the town's public schools.

At approximately 8 am, Newtown PD was contacted by school security staff for the Newtown Board of Education regarding concerns that a member of the security team had a firearm inside his vehicle.

The Newtown Police Detective Division worked in conjunction with Board of Education security personnel to investigate this matter and located a loaded 9 mm Sig Sauer pistol in the passenger compartment of Baldwin's vehicle.

Baldwin was released on a $5,000 bond with a court date of November 4 in Danbury Superior Court.

Connecticut State law states “No person shall store or keep any pistol or revolver in any motor vehicle that is unattended unless such pistol or revolver is in the trunk, a locked safe or locked glove box.”

The presence of the improperly secured firearm inside the vehicle on school grounds resulted in the abovementioned charges. Armed school security in Newtown are hired in accordance with state law, which allows for law enforcement officers who retired in good standing to work as armed school security officers.


Associate Editor Jim Taylor can be reached at jim@thebee.com.

Newtown Police this morning arrested an unarmed school security guard on three weapon possession charges after a handgun and ammunition was found in his vehicle, parked on school grounds. —Newtown Police Department photo
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