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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Pisani Seeking Your Vote For LC D1



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To the Editor:

To My Neighbors in Newtown — I have been a resident of Newtown for over twenty years and have enjoyed the idyllic beauty and charm of Newtown along with the educational system and recreational offerings. I grew up in Peekskill, New York and lived in Tucson, Arizona when I attended Arizona University. My professional career required that I reside in Houston and St Louis. That said, moving to Newtown has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I mean that sincerely.

My decision to run for the Legislative Council in District 1 is 100 percent based on my love for this town.

Like many of you, we are now experiencing a higher cost of living in all aspects of life and find ourselves having to make compromises. If I am elected to the Legislative Council, I promise to be fiscally mindful with the way our tax dollars are earmarked. I will always safeguard that we are allocating our taxes towards necessary services that are needed to maintain and improve our infrastructure. I will support whatever is necessary to keep the residents of Newtown protected. I will help ensure our children get the best education possible. And I will work with the First Selectman to find ways to alleviate the traffic patterns that are causing congestion and safety concerns in our town.,

I am experienced, having worked in the financial sector for over 30 years. I am motivated, wanting to give back all that Newtown has given to me and my family. And I am dedicated to always keeping the best interests of the good people of Newtown at heart.

I am humbly asking for your vote on November 7th.

Derek Pisani


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