Get DeRosa Reelected
To the Editor:
I wanted to take the moment to proudly endorse my close friend and candidate for Legislative Council D1, William DeRosa. I had the honor of sitting along with he and Lisa Kessler as the Republican representatives for D-1.
Newtown is fortunate and lucky to have such an individual as William DeRosa volunteering his time. The commitment and energy he brings to this town are unparalleled. As many people will attest, he embodies the spirit of Newtown, always doing the right thing for our children and our town.
As we all know he was an outspoken champion of our kids and education system and fought hard for the parents. How many are aware he also wrote a bipartisan resolution with his Democratic counterparts over at P&Z protecting Newtown zoning? When Governor Lamont was busy pushing tolls on our roads, William was there next to Bob Stefanowski leading the fight against them.
His greatest fear being they would install a toll booth right after Exit 14, Rochambeau Bridge, which would result in trucks and traffic getting off and going through our beloved town. When COVID struck and our schools were closed, William was there figuring out solutions with Superintendent Lorrie Rodrigue, getting our kids back into the classroom.
This man is the type of person Newtown needs to make sure we grow responsibly. He always has the taxpayers’ best interests in mind as well as that of our children. Please join me on November 7th, and let’s get him reelected to Newtown Legislative Council D1.
Angela Curi