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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Backing Jim Gaston For BOF



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To the Editor:

I rarely if ever write a Letter to the Editor. Politics takes a backseat to my friends and family. I live on Sugar Street and I welcome solid candidates of both sides of the aisle with their signs on my yard. This letter is addressed in support of Jim Gaston for Board of Finance. He served 14 years on the Board of Finance as chair or vice-chair.

He graduated from Lehigh University in 1980 with a double major in finance and economics (emphasis public finance and a minor in government). He served as selectman on the Board of Selectmen with Pat Llodra and Will Rodgers. He has served as warden and/or the Board of Burgesses of the Borough for more than 30 years.

His wife, Stephanie, served on Newtown Scholarship for more than 20 years. The short of it is, the Gaston family served, and continues to serve Newtown.

It is my pleasure to support Jim Gaston to his return to the Board of Finance, where experience counts.

Please see his profile at newtownctdemocrats.org for the more compete CVs.

Thank you for listening.

Lynne Farah


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