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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Backing Bryce Chinault For BOF



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To the Editor:

I am writing to encourage you to support Bryce Chinault for Board of Finance. Bryce and his wife Abby, who grew up in Newtown, moved back to town over a year ago because they both knew it is the perfect place to raise a family. Bryce is a thoughtful and thorough researcher with the ability to process and articulate information from both sides of the aisle.

He has spent the past 14 years working in public policy and currently works in Connecticut encouraging legislation that will strengthen communities and build a hopeful and prosperous future for its residents. In a current culture where there is so much conflict, Bryce’s ability to work with people to seek balanced solutions to issues impacting EVERYONE is refreshing, and much needed.

Vote for Bryce Chinault for Board of Finance on November 7.

Mary Atkinson

Sandy Hook

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