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The Thomas Jefferson Of Our Time



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The Thomas Jefferson Of Our Time

To the Editor:

The 2008 Presidential elections are approaching, and it would be a shame to vote again for the “lesser of two evils.” Especially since the politician with the best voting record in congressional history is running for office, and most don’t even know that he exists. Ten-term congressman Dr Ron Paul, whom most have never heard of, is on the 2008 Republican ticket. The media has ignored him while exalting the common corporate elite-type candidates. In reality, a grassroots campaign is spreading across America like wildfire because of Paul’s message of freedom, prosperity, and peace. Last quarter, Paul’s fundraising had exceeded $5 million; he has more cash on hand than John McCain, whom most have heard of. Ron Paul has won virtually every online poll after the televised debates, more straw polls than any other candidate, and is the most searched from both parties on the Internet. He also received the most contributions from military personnel.

Paul served as a flight surgeon in the 60s and delivered 4,000 babies as an obstetrician. He celebrated his 50th anniversary and has 17 grandchildren.

He was elected to the US House representing the 14th Congressional district of Texas in 1974. Paul was named the taxpayers’ best friend because he never once voted to raise taxes. He also never voted for an unbalanced budget, or to increase power to the executive branch. He refuses to participate in the lucrative congressional pensions and voted against the Patriot, Military Commissions, and National ID Acts which violate constitutional rights. He is called the “Thomas Jefferson of our time” and honors his oath to defend the constitution, never wavering on his voting principles. No other candidate from either party can even begin to boast about that. He also voted against taxing the Internet and strongly urged Congress against invading Iraq in 2002 believing that the American people would be displeased with the results.

Paul supports limited government, free markets, and strong defense. The Republican Party lost it way. They are now big spenders and support foreign policies of nation building and policing the world, ironically something the 2000 campaign criticized of the Clinton Administration. Paul worries that foreign policy and the Federal Reserve’s common practice of printing money from thin air is leading us to bankruptcy. The Dollar is at a 30-year low and the middle class is struggling, even with 100K incomes.

Even though Congressman Paul is pro-life, many democrats and libertarians have reregistered Republican to vote for him because his message easily crosses party lines. People are realizing this country needs a president who will stand up for American principles and put government back into its proper role. Lobbyists don’t bother to visit him in Congress and his campaign prohibits corporate donations. He has spent his lifetime in service for others; please don’t let the mass media elect the next President, and don’t take my word for it. Do the research yourself, it’s too important not to. Go to www.ronpaul2008.com and www.youtube.com.

Brian O’Connor

37 Swamp Road, Newtown                                   October 16, 2007

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