Endorsing Dan Rosenthal
To the Editor:
I am writing to express my support for Dan Rosenthal for first selectman. In this time of politicization of too many important issues, rather than looking for common ground and the common good, we seem to be living in an era of politicians preferring to "Win For The Sake Of Winning."
Both on the national as well as local level it's difficult to cut through the divisiveness and have civil discourse as well as transparency. Debates are no longer true debates but more like opportunities to take cheap shots at opponents.
So here we have an opportunity for a fresh start, someone with new ideas, someone willing to listen and weigh the pros and cons of important initiatives. Dan also comes from a business background and knows how to incorporate efficiencies and oversight, bold ideas, and is open to input from us, the townspeople.
Rather than griping about taxes and roads not taken care of, a community center that many have voiced deep concerns about, tax abatements, overbuilding, etc. why not let a new perspective on governing be our guide?
I believe that Dan is our pathway forward if we truly want fiscal responsibility and accountability, along with smart economic growth for Newtown.
Geraldine Carley
66 Currituck Road, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 18, 2017