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Newtown, CT, USA

NMS Scarecrows Returning To Queen Street This Weekend



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Entries in this year’s My Favorite Scarecrow Sculpture Contest began appearing on the front lawn of Newtown Middle School yesterday afternoon. Officially, however, the contest opens today, when students put more of their sculptures on view at 11 Queen Street. 

Each year, prior to Halloween, groups of eighth grade students are challenged to design and create a “larger than life” scarecrow not only with a theme, but also with the durability to survive inclement weather. 

The students are given a $30 spending limit on their projects, and each scarecrow is voted on by students and community members, for one dollar per vote, which should each be accompanied with a ballot.

This year's entries are due to the front lawn by Monday.

The money generated by the votes is split among the three top vote-getters and donated to the charity of the winners’ choice.

Voting on the scarecrows will be open while the creations are on view for the public. The scarecrows are set to be taken down on Sunday, October 26.

Ballots will be available at the school and in the October 17 print edition of The Newtown Bee, accompanying this story. Ballots are also available to print here.

Votes can be submitted with the $1 payment for each vote to either NMS, 11 Queen Street, or dropped off at The Bee’s 5 Church Hill Road office. Votes can also be submitted in person to volunteers overseeing the scarecrows on Saturday and Sunday, October 18 to 19, and Sunday, October 26, between 10 am and 4 pm.

Results will be announced the week of October 27 at NMS, and in the October 31 print edition of The Newtown Bee.

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