Sunday, October 24
Sunday, October 24
Open House at Dodgingtown Fire Department, 9 am to 1 pm, activities for the entire family, giveaways, demonstrations, participation by police and volunteer ambulance service.
12th Annual Newtown Antique and Collectible Doll Show and Sale, 10 am-4 pm, the Fireside Inn, 123 South Main Street, admission $4.50, exhibits/displays, collectors and doll-related vendors, appraisals, etc; 881-1369, 860/628-8896.
Crop Walk for Hunger, beginning at 2 pm at Trinity Church, sponsored by eight Newtown area churches; five-mile walk, proceeds benefit local food pantries and Church World Services.
Monday, October 25
Yale Mammogram Mobile Van, Sand Hill Plaza, 8:55 am to 2:20 pm, sponsored by Newtown Womenâs Club; appointments are required, call 203/688-6800.
Commission on Aging, 7 pm, multipurpose center, Riverside Road.
Newtown Pension Committee, 7:30 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.
Tuesday, October 26
Garden Club of Newtown meeting, 1 pm, C.H. Booth Library (first floor meeting room), 25 Main Street, free (non-members welcome), membersâ business meeting at noon, followed by slide program by Anne Bell on CT wildflowers and the Governorâs Mansion garden; 270-1108
The Booth Library will close at 6 pm instead of 8 pm.
Public Building and Site Commission, 6:30 pm, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.
Newtown Meals on Wheels Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 pm, old courtroom, Edmond Town Hall.
Wednesday, October 27
Free blood pressure screening, 10 am to noon, Cyrenius H. Booth Library, sponsored by the nursing department of Ashlar of Newtown.
Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN) Inc. meeting, 1:30 pm, Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street, free, program on acrylic painting by Anda Styler, non-members welcome; 426-6654.
Housatonic Area Regional Transit District, board of directors, 4 pm, HART offices, 62 Federal Road, Danbury.
Conservation Commission, 7:30 pm, town land use office, Canaan House, Fairfield Hills.
Thursday, October 28
Flu Clinic, 8:30 to 10:30 am, Sandy Hook firehouse, Riverside Road. Free flu vaccine for Newtown residents, sponsored by the Newtown Health District. Also free pneumonia shot for those who have not had one in 10 years. Vaccines intended for persons over 65, and for children and adults who have chronic diseases, or who live in households with persons who have chronic diseases; no appointments necessary; 270-4271.Â
Water Pollution Control Authority, 7:30 pm, sewage treatment plant, Commerce Road.
Friday, October 29
Treblehook performance, 9 pm, the Fireside Inn, 123 Main Street South/Route 25, performance by local trio Alan Morgan, Andy Spencer and Brian Morgan, original songs and covers.
Saturday, October 30
Newtown Masquerade Ball, 7:30-11 pm, Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, tickets $15 each or $25/couple, raffles, costumes encouraged, presented by NHS Charity Club, with proceeds to East Coast Assistance Dogs, Inc.; 270-8490.