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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Says Hayes Misrepresents Logan



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To The Editor:

Jahana Hayes continues to demonstrably misrepresent George Logan’s positions, even after being fact checked by CNN. These claims are far afield of the truth and a simple google search would debunk the ads, so why continue propagating the false attack? Is she intentionally trying to scare voters?

Perhaps she feels vulnerable after she put “politics over people” when she decided to stay at her partisan convention rather than return to our district in the aftermath of the devastating storm we endured. Ned Lamont made it back. The Bradley and Westchester airports did not flood, but Jahana made the choice to stay in Chicago. Apparently, her priority was hobnobbing with big money donors at convention parties, not a surprise given she has been rated as one of the most partisan members of Congress. While our community was flooding, instead of sharing useful emergency information, Hayes was tweeting smiling photos of herself at the DNC.

In the days after the storm residents had many questions about Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) programs. Newtowners turned to social media to ask “how do we file claims” and “where does insurance stop and FEMA begin” because our Federal House Representative was MIA. Thankfully, our state level officials stepped in to distribute this Federal information in her absence.

You would think an incumbent would be able to run on her record, yet she is again struggling to poll even. Six years in and with little to show for it, Jahana seems to be acting out of desperation, resorting to spreading debunked misinformation about her opponent. It is no wonder even Democrats I know have commented “Esty was better.”

Connecticut’s 5th deserves better representation. This November, let’s retire Hayes and elect someone who actually shows up for Newtown.

Ryan Knapp


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