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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Statesman Focused On Solutions



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To The Editor:

Tony Hwang is more than just my State Senator; he is my friend. Over the nearly 20 years I’ve known Tony, I’ve seen firsthand the qualities that make him an exceptional leader and a genuinely caring person.

Tony the person is someone who simply cannot pass by without connecting with people. I remember when my wife served on the Fairfield RTM with him back in 2006 — she always had positive things to say about Tony. His energy is contagious, and his smile is famous. If you’ve had a recent loss or illness, Tony won’t just pass by. He’ll stop his car, get out, and offer a handshake or a warm hug, giving you his full attention. In those moments, nothing else matters to him more than you. This kind of empathy and attentiveness is rare in politics.

Tony the politician is a moderate in the best sense of the word — a thoughtful, balanced leader who is willing to listen and find common ground. In a time when partisanship often overshadows progress, Tony stands out as a statesman. He engages with people across the political spectrum, working tirelessly to find solutions that benefit the entire community. As a Republican in Connecticut, he understands the importance of dialogue and compromise, much like the statesmen of old — Joe Lieberman, Lowell Weicker and Chris Shays — who put the people above politics toward finding solutions.

Connecticut, and indeed the entire country, is in desperate need of leaders like Tony — individuals who can park their egos, set aside partisanship, and work for the greater good. Compromise and collaboration are not dirty words; it’s a necessary tool for effective governance. Tony embodies this approach while staying true to his principles. He doesn’t engage in misinformation, negative campaigns or mudslinging. Instead, he focuses on issues and solutions, always aiming to represent all citizens, not just a select few.

I may be a conservative, but I see in Tony a leader who represents what our government should be — a genuine, principled, and compassionate public servant. With Connecticut Democrats controlling the majority of the House, Senate, and Governor’s Office for years, it’s clear that one-party rule has not served our state well. Tony offers a different approach, one rooted in collaboration and common sense.

For all these reasons, I urge all voters in Fairfield, Easton, Newtown, and Bethel — Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike to support Tony Hwang. He doesn’t just promise to represent all citizens; he has proven time and again that he will.

Kevin Dillon


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