No Apprehension With A Vote For Kokenos
To the Editor:
"Out with the old, in with the new" is usually a phrase associated with a desire for change, but not in this case. When I decided not to run for Legislative Council this year, I worried about who would fill the void I left. Who would be the "new" to my "old"? I am extremely grateful that Dennis Kokenos has stepped up to be that new voice for District 3. He and I have similar views on local government and leading from an informed perspective. I love that Dennis (and his wife) are actively involved with volunteering in the schools, as that is how one can see what the needs are firsthand.
I love that his focus is on appropriately building our tax base so we can continue to enjoy excellence in our schools while moving toward a reduced tax burden for all residents. I know that Dennis's background and experience working with other towns will afford him an extraordinary knowledge base that I wish I had in my first year on the council. His role as legal counsel to the Town of Trumbull, his past volunteer work with Easton town government, and his dedication to the well-being of Newtown allow him to instantly become a productive member of Newtown's Legislative Council.
I was worried about the void left by my departure from town government, but with Dennis Kokenos poised to serve, I am no longer apprehensive. I urge District 3 voters to come out on November 7 and vote for Dennis to be your voice on the Legislative Council.
The views expressed in this letter are my own (fully informed by my prior experience and understanding of Legislative Council needs), but not necessarily the views of the council as a whole (although they should be).
Dr Neil Chaudhary
1 Southbrook Lane, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 16, 2017