Carrying On The Legacy
To the Editor:
I want to tell you about my daughter, Maureen Crick Owen, who is running for selectman on the Democratic ticket. She would be a wonderful selectman, working hard for you.
I know Maureen to be an intelligent, caring, very hard working woman - and a loving daughter. She is passionate about everything she undertakes.
Currently, Maureen is president of the Newtown Cemetery Association; the new Borough Zoning Enforcement Officer; clerk to the Borough Zoning Commission; serves on the Parks & Recreation Commission; and is an administrator at the Newtown Ambulance Association.
She is the 11th generation of the Glover family here in Newtown, all active in town affairs: town clerk, first selectman, Newtown's first fire marshal. She would be carrying on in the footsteps of her ancestors. How proud her late father, Jim Crick, would be of her.
Now it should be Maureen's turn, so she can continue her family's legacy and help all of Newtown's residents.
Please cast your vote for Maureen for selectman on Election Day, November 7.
Joan Crick
7 Glover Avenue, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 16, 2017