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Campaign Sign Blight



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To the Editor:

As I recently drove through town I was reminded of one of the many things that drew us to Newtown when we first moved here years ago. Back then, as an example of their intelligence and civic mindedness, both political parties had a handshake agreement to not bring the blight of lawn campaign signs to our community. What a joy it was to travel through town and enjoy the fall foliage.

So as I looked at the blight on our streets, my first reaction was to say that any person who made a voting decision based on lawn signs should have their voting privileges revoked. I then thought some more and thought maybe this is one of those teaching moments. Maybe our local candidates could help teach our dysfunctional state and federal legislatures one of the many things that did make America great. It in fact is not some buffoon yelling it from a pulpit. It is what has historically made our form of democracy the best on the planet. It is the lost art of compromise. Yes, compromise. Not insisting that your way is the only way but understanding that there are many constituencies that a politician represents, and they are all to be served.

Where am I going with this? Let our local candidates come together and agree everyone benefits from the removal of awful lawn signs.

PS: I still also stick with my first reaction.

Christian Deschermeier

4 Black Walnut Drive, Newtown         October 17, 2017

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