A Formidable Team
To the Editor:
Transitions can be hard but having a strong bench to take up the reins can make change an opportunity for renewal and a chance to prosper even more. After ten years of public service, and the chance to serve Newtown in many amazing ways, it's time to let a new generation of leaders get involved and lend their gifts to our town. I want to thank everyone in the community for their support over the years and I enjoyed serving Newtown.
After spending two plus terms on the Board of Finance, and being involved with every facet of it as a member, vice chair and chair, I have a good understanding of how the board works and the skill set needed to successfully serve on it. With this perspective in mind, I'm endorsing Sandy Roussas, Mark Boland, Armel Kouassi, and Robert Licata for the Board of Finance on the Republican ticket.
Sandy and Mark are incumbent members of the board and I've had the pleasure to serve with them for the last two years. Sandy is a litigation partner for a New Haven law firm and was recently named a Connecticut and New England Super Lawyers Rising Star. She's thoughtful, diligent, and logical in her thinking and is not afraid to ask difficult questions.
Mark Boland is the president of Merit Specialty, part of the Hanover Insurance group of companies. He has over 35 years of financial services experience as both an entrepreneur and insurance company executive. He's analytical, questioning, and realizes the importance of his board role and how it affects the residents of Newtown.
I've enjoyed my partnership with Sandy and Mark over the last two years and value them as friends. They would provide a strong sense of continuity in the coming term.
Armel Kouassi is a financial services executive with close to 20 years of experience in banking and private equity. He has an MBA from Wharton and has worked in Risk for GE Money, Citbank and State Street Bank. Like Mark, he has shifted between entrepreneurial and executive roles in his career.
Robert Licata is a US Navy veteran and served on submarines while in the service. He has 30 years of experience as a technology executive in the financial services, technology and healthcare industries. Robert has spent his career managing multimillion dollar technology budgets, experience that will prove valuable on the Board of Finance.
The combination of Sandy and Mark, working alongside newcomers Armel and Robert, makes for a formidable team of Republican candidates. I hope you support them on Election Day.
John Godin
4 Quarry Ridge Road, Sandy HookÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 16, 2017