The Way We Were
October 20, 1989
Picture the night of Friday, December 8. People will gather in the Ram Pasture to hear the school bands, sing Christmas carols, and watch the Christmas Tree get turned on. Around Hawley Pond will be luminarias (or candles in white bakery bags). Unlike previous years, the plan for this year’s tree lighting ceremony also calls for luminaria candles to be burning on Main Street, Currituck Road and the end of the Ram Pasture, as well as on Elm Drive properties.
Through the joint efforts of the Newtown Woman’s Club and the Nunnawauk Housing for the Elderly board, Nunnawauk Meadows is the beneficiary of new landscaping. The base of the flag has been planted with rhododendron and in the spring, daffodils and crocuses will be in bloom. The Commemorative Rock has been enhanced with Nova Zembla, Spruce and spring bulbs. In May of next year tulips will be in bloom at the Administration building. Evie Watts of the Newtown Woman’s Club and Olga Knoepke of the Nunnawauk Housing for the Elderly coordinated the project.
A wood specialist has testified that tool marks on a wood chip found in the back of a rented truck used by Richard Crafts matched those of a wood chip discovered by police on the shore of Lake Zoar in Southbury. Mr Crafts is charged with murder and accused of killing his wife, Helle, and disposing of her body using a chain saw and wood chipper. Helle Crafts disappeared in November 1986 and has not been seen since.
The Newtown Boys’ Cross Country team closed out the season schedule shutting out Joel Barlow 15-50, on October 12 in Redding. Their season recorded is 10-0, completing their fourth consecutive undefeated season under the direction of Head Coach Rich Pesce and Assistant Coach Randy Pond.
October 23, 1964
The large overflow of students in the Sandy Hook Elementary School are now hard at work in the new addition. Scheduled for completion by September, the four additional rooms were to absorb the growth in the school’s population. Construction delays forced the school management to make use of other areas, such as the school cafeteria and gymnasium. The children are now much more comfortable after Monday’s move.
The Newtown Forest Association has, this week, taken title to 98.81 acres of land located in the Palestine District, formerly owned by Cortland Blakeman. The property has a large frontage on Key Rock Road and the private properties on Boggs Hill Road, almost to Shepard Hill Road. Most of the property is “wet land” and acts as a reservoir to maintain a desirable water table for a large area. The property abounds in wildlife and swamp flora and fauna and is considered an extremely valuable addition to Newtown’s open space.
Mrs Elizabeth Hoeffner of Cedar Hill Road, Newtown, has been commissioned to execute a mural painting in the lobby of the Newtown Savings Bank, it is announced by Richard F. Burdett, president. The mural will highlight historic landmarks and features of the community. Mrs Hoeffner has taught art in the local school system, and is currently presenting an adult education course in painting. A one-sixth scale drawing is on display at the bank, and the public is invited to inspect it.
A “Discotheque” on Halloween night in Newtown’s Town Hall gymnasium is being conducted by the Newtown firemen, with Chief Glover and his crew of volunteers, plus Fire Marshal Millard Goodsell and the recreation division of the Park and Recreation Commission cooperating. “Discotheque” is a new name for record player hop. This event is especially for the high school ages of our town population who might be free that evening. It will follow the usual party for younger children and will close after 11 o’clock.
October 20, 1939
At a recent executive meeting of the Newtown Branch of the American Red Cross, it was decided to start the work of sewing garments for the sufferers in Poland. This work will be carried on in the basement of the Congregational church where the Red Cross activities were conducted during the World War. Anyone wishing to make a contribution of money to be used for the Polish war sufferers may send same to H. Carlton Hubbell, treasurer of the Newtown Red Cross.
Mr and Mrs Robert H. Hassard had the misfortune on Tuesday of last week to meet with an auto accident while motoring in New York state. Their car skidded in the rain and wrecked itself, both Mr and Mrs Hassard fortunately escaping serious injury, but being confined to the Canaudaigua hospital for a few days with bruises and minor hurts.
The Fairfield State Hospital will issue certificates on Monday evening, October 23, to a group of ten student nurses who are now completing a three months course at that institution. This course was started on August first of this year to meet the need of schools of nursing in Connecticut to give their students experience in the care of mental patients. There has been such an increased demand for psychiatric nurses throughout the country that all schools of nursing are attempting to qualify their nurses for this work.
Saturday night’s heavy frost came with suddenness and great severity, doing considerable damage to late blooming flowers. There have also been one or two white frosts since Saturday night, indicating the approach of colder weather.
October 23, 1914
The celebration in honor of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Congregational church had a fitting opening in the inspiring commemorative service held at the usual hour of the morning worship, Sunday. The weather conditions were ideal, the heavy fog of the early morning breaking away and giving a beautiful autumn day. Rev Sherrod Soule of Hartford was present on the pulpit platform and assisted in the opening exercises. In his sermon, the pastor, Rev Timothy J. Lee, gave an eloquent and forceful address.
The Connecticut State Tuberculosis Commission is extremely encouraged by the interest taken in the fight for the prevention and cure of tuberculosis by the people of the state, as evidenced by the support the Commission is receiving in the Red Cross Christmas Seal campaign from every section. Agents have already been appointed or provided for in nearly every instance to help the Commission realize its ambition to sell three million Red Cross Christmas Seals this year in Connecticut.
A.E. Brinton is installing a Gurney hot water heating plant in the residence of Dea Henry Mitchell. He is installing a Forbes hot air furnace in the residence of Mr Bolmer.
The residents of Newtown are enjoying the benefits of the electric lights which are proving very satisfactory. The illumination of the Congregational church is very pleasing and adds much to the beauty of this grand old church. The large light installed by A.S. Green & Co in front of their shop is of great assistance to the public in the evening and for those who wish to call for the late mail. This light is about 1700 candlepower. The new cottage building for Arthur MacDonald has been wired for electric lights.