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The Best People For The Job



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The Best People For The Job

To the Editor:

I am responding to the letter from Ruby K. Johnson, published in the October 13 issue of this newspaper. Ms Johnson, who is a member of the Legislative Council from the 3rd District, indicated her disappointment with the council members in their decision to appoint a Charter Revision commission at the October 4 meeting. She also made it very clear in her letter that she was unsuccessful in her attempt to make this commission “more representative of the voting population.” She feels that more women and unaffiliated voters should have been selected to serve. I would like to address both of these issues.

The first has to do with whether or not Charter Revision commission should have been appointed in the first place, when Newtown is faced with so many crucial challenges such as Fairfield Hills. There may be some merit to this viewpoint, but then I must question where Ms Johnson was when the council initially discussed the formation of a Charter Revision Commission many months ago and the process of recruiting, interviewing, and selection was taking place? The challenges facing Newtown such as Fairfield Hills did not materialize overnight. The Legislative Council, including Ms Johnson, should be sure of the direction they want to take before they act. To do otherwise is to risk wasting a great deal of time and effort of their subcommittees and the citizens who choose to serve.

The second issue of Ms Johnson’s letter had to do with her opinion of the proper representation of the Charter Revision Commission. The 12 members selected include six Republicans, five Democrats, and one Unaffiliated. There are 11 men and one woman. Ms Johnson wrote that she feels more women and unaffiliated voters should have been appointed. She may be pandering to her constituents in a vain effort to be “politically correct,” but I think the voters in Newtown are too sophisticated to be swayed by this notion.

The individuals chosen to serve can only be selected from the pool of applications received. The choices should be made based on qualifications, experience, expertise, and desire to serve. These choices should not be influenced by quotas for gender or party. If we do not adhere to the philosophy of the “best people for the job,” we will be headed down a slippery slope of unacceptable “political correctness” that can never be resolved. How many Italians should be selected? How many senior citizens? Catholics? Jews? Believe me, Ms Johnson, you don’t want to go there! We should always try to get the best people with the best intentions to do the best job and they should be representing all the citizens of Newtown, not just a particular block of voters.

George J. Caracciolo

Schoolhouse Hill Road, Newtown     October 16, 2000

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