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Cast A Vote For Steve Hinden



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To the Editor:

I am thrilled that Steve Hinden is running for reelection onto the Board of Finance. In his time in office, he has shown again and again that he is willing to put in the time, energy, and effort it takes to truly understand not only his role, but the roles of each individual board that serves our town.

Steve never just takes my word for it — he researches and comes to his own conclusions based on facts and data. And for that I am grateful.

He is just the kind of person I want representing me — he is smart, he is thoughtful, and he is not afraid to voice dissent. He truly has the best interests of our town in mind.

I urge my Newtown neighbors to join me in casting a vote for Steve Hinden for Board of Finance on November 5th.

Rebekah Harriman-Stites

5 Sealand Drive, Newtown October 15, 2019

Ms Harriman-Stites is a member of the Board of Education and running for reelection to that office.

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