Attention And Concern
Attention And Concern
To the Editor:
I would sincerely like to thank Dr Janet Robinson, superintendent of schools, for attending the Newtown PAC (Parents Advocating for their Children) meeting on October 8. She gave great insight and suggestions for parents dealing with special education in the Newtown schools.
Dozens of concerned parents attended the meeting and voiced their concerns and frustrations. Dr Robinson listened attentively and gave advice to all. Her sincere concern with how the parents felt gave hope that a system that has caused them grief and angst will be changed for the better of all. We are looking forward to having Dr Robinson at our May meeting to give us updates on the changes being implemented.
For more information about Newtown PAC, please visit our website at Meetings occur on the second Thursday of each month at Newtown Youth & Family Services on Church Hill Road; new members are always welcome.
Suzanne Lang
Orchard Lane, Newtown                                            October 14, 2009