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The Newtown High School Career Center publicizes all scholarships of which it is notified.



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The Newtown High School Career Center publicizes all scholarships of which it is notified.

A few of the scholarships, typically national ones, request that money be enclosed with the application. The Career Center believes that students should not have to pay to apply for scholarships. If a student chooses to apply for a scholarship that charges a fee, however, the Career Center strongly advises parents and students to check its authenticity through the FTC Consumer Response Center, www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP; the National Fraud Information Center, www.fraud.org or 800-876-7060; or the Better Business Bureau, www.bbb.org or 703-276-0100.

DAR Good Citizen Program — The DAR Citizen Program honors a local male or female senior who demonstrates good citizen qualities such as dependability, leadership, patriotism, and service. Applicants must complete the required essay in the presence of a faculty member or DAR member within a two-hour time limit. Essay topic will be revealed at the time of writing. The essay will be administered on October 28 at 8:30 am in the NHS Career Center. Please submit all completed applications to Mrs Latowicki in the Career Center on Monday, October 25. Each state winner receives an award in the amount of at least $250. The national winner will be invited to Washington, D.C., and awarded a $5,000 scholarship. Applications are available in the Career Center.

Princeton Prize in Race Relations — The Princeton Prize in Race Relations is a $1,000 cash award for high school students of any grade from selected regions across the United States who are doing outstanding work in their schools or communities to advance the cause of race relations. Princeton Prize winners will also be invited to an all-expense-paid trip to Princeton University to attend the Princeton Prize Symposium on Race, which will be held in the spring. This year the Princeton Prize will be offered in 23 locations across the United States. The website www.princeton.edu/pprize has examples of noteworthy activities and the application. Apply by January 31.   

Emory University Scholars Program — Emory Scholar awards span four years of undergraduate study and range from 2/3s tuition to full tuition, room, board and fees. A high school may nominate up to four outstanding seniors. The complete application must arrive in the Emory Office by November 15. In January, the scholar selection committee will select approximately 370 semifinalists; these semifinalists will learn of their admission to Emory at that time. From that pool, approximately 70 finalists will interview at Emory from March 23 to March 26. Attendance at these interviews is required. Emory will cover the finalists’ travel expenses. Selection is not contingent upon financial need.

Connecticut Bar Foundation James W. Cooper Fellows Essay Contest — This scholarship is based on a writing contest open to all high school students throughout the state of Connecticut. The 2010-2011 essay topic: “Is Out of School, Out of Bounds?” The essay must be in the form of an opinion either supporting or opposing the prosecution set forth in a hypothetical problem. The postmark deadline is March 4.

Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship — Prudent Publishing Company is offering one $10,000 college scholarship for the winning submission of an original greeting card design. The card can be a holiday card, birthday or all-occasion greeting card that could include photography, artwork or graphics and will be made into a bona fide greeting card. All high school and college level students are welcome to participate. Contest submissions accepted March 17 through January 15.

Guardian Girls Going Places Entrepreneurship Award Program — This annual scholarship award program is open to girl’s ages 12–18 who are community minded and have demonstrated budding entrepreneurship. Essays will be judged by a panel of qualified judges selected by the sponsor to determine finalists and winners according to the following criteria: emerging entrepreneurship; taking the steps toward financial independence; and making a difference in their school and communities. Awards include one $10,000 prize, one $5,000 prize, one $3,000 prize and 12 $1,000 prizes. Nominees must submit a personal statement of no more than 250 words and a letter of endorsement from an adult. Complete information and application is available at www.GirlsGoingPlaces.com. Applications must be completed by February 28.

NFIB Young Entrepreneur Awards — Applicants for these national awards should demonstrate entrepreneurial initiative or have been in the driver’s seat of their own business. Participation is encouraged in organizations such as DECA, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), or Junior Achievement, among others, or through other initiatives. There are a minimum of 150 scholarships including nonrenewable and renewable awards ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. The selection committee will consider academic record, extracurricular activities, leadership, and entrepreneurial endeavors. NFIB recommends that students fully read all the application instructions and the frequently asked questions before beginning the online application. Applications are being accepted until December 15.

Park Scholar Awards — The Park Scholar Awards cover the full cost of attendance at the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. The awards are renewable for a total of four years. The requirements include the application, essays, resume, three letters of recommendation, and transcript; due date is January 15. Applications to Ithaca College should be complete and on file no later than January 2. Big Y Scholarships — Big Y awards more than 300 scholarships totaling more than $250,000 to high school seniors, undergraduates, graduates, community college and nontraditional students. Big Y employees and dependents are also eligible. All scholarships recognize academic merit and achievement and are awarded to the most outstanding students in the Big Y market area. The postmark deadline is February 1.

Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship — The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 per year to graduating high school seniors who will attend four-year colleges/universities. Applicants will be evaluated on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. Completed forms must be submitted to the local Danbury Elks lodge (the nearest lodge to Newtown). Applications must advance through local, district and state competition to reach the national competition. All applications must be submitted by December 1.

Kay Wyrick Scholarship — The Foster Adoptive Mission will award one $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior from the greater Waterbury, Torrington, or Danbury areas in memory of Kay Wyrick, outstanding volunteer and child advocate. Students should have been in foster care for one consecutive year at some point in their lives. Applicants should have a grade point average of “B” and be a person of color, preferably African American or of African ancestry. Students should plan to major in a related field, working with children in the community and be accepted to an accredited post-secondary program of study. Applications are due by April 1.

National Co-op Scholarship Program — The National Commission for Cooperative Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing high quality, college-level co-op education, offers a total of 170 $6,000 renewable merit co-op scholarships to high school seniors who are planning to participate in a college cooperative education. Applicants must have grade point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. The program’s eight partner colleges/universities are Drexel University, Johnson & Wales University, Kettering University, Pace University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo and Wentworth Institute of Technology. To be eligible for a merit co-op scholarship a student must apply, be accepted, and attend one of the eight partner colleges/universities. Early applications are highly encouraged for this program and applications must be postmarked by February 15.

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