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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Get The Facts And Vote For Tony Hwang



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To The Editor:

Let me set the record straight about State Senator Tony Hwang — there’s been too much misinformation and assumptions, often based on party affiliation or misleading political ads.

First, Tony is far from a typical Republican. Yes, he champions the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, social accountability, and local governance. That last point is critical for Newtown: Tony firmly believes in local control over zoning laws, ensuring growth aligns with our town’s needs, environmental protection, and sustainability. He does not support the 8-30g state mandate, which overrides local zoning in favor of affordable housing, often at the expense of environmental regulations.

Tony’s stance on women’s rights is unwavering — he fully supports a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions. He also stands strong on reducing gun violence, proven by his 2023 vote for gun safety legislation (PA 23-53), the only Republican senator to do so. His voting record reflects careful consideration and balance, regardless of party lines, despite the misrepresentations from political smear campaigns.

I’ve long argued that we should support candidates based on their experience and achievements, not just their party. In a time when voting often feels like choosing the lesser of two evils, Tony Hwang is a candidate I genuinely respect and trust. Amid rising inflation, political division, and economic uncertainty, Tony remains the voice of reason — he addresses social issues responsibly while fighting unnecessary spending, unfunded mandates, and unaffordable taxes. He votes for the people he serves, not his party.

In this election, let’s vote for the candidate who represents the best of both worlds, not just another pawn in the political game. Vote Tony Hwang.

Neil Chaudhary


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