Vote ‘Yes’ On Fairfield Hills Referendum
To the Editor:
I am one of the frequent users of the trails at Fairfield Hills and as I walk by the many deteriorating buildings I imagine what they might look like if given a second chance. Newsylum, the Municipal Center, and the [Parent] Connection are examples of what can be done, but these were some of the smaller structures on the campus.
I just finished watching the video of the Community Conversation on Fairfield Hills that was held October 5 with two potential developers and would encourage everyone to check it out if you are still not sure about how the town should proceed. Voting Yes means we can continue keeping an open mind about converting two of the larger structures into rental housing. Voting No means we are willing to take on the financial burden of eventually having to demolish these stately structures.
Kathy Quinn
17 Scudder Road, Newtown October 14, 2020
And voting no means you will preserve Fairfield Hills for future generations, Once we put private residential units on the Campus there is no turning back. The area in the center will be all blacktop parking for 300 plus auto, and little parking left for us, who go to the Campus for a quiet walk or activities. One developer said he would need 6 acres to develop his plan, that’s six acres less for the 27,000 people in Newtown. The case for apartments has been one sided, with little effort from the press or First Selectman to cover the negatives except to say it might cost you around $40 dollars a year in taxes. Let take the buildings down as all the Master Plan Committees have recommended in the past.
Kathy, I agree with your sentiment. I haven’t followed this matter closely in the past but I’d hope that the town can define special zoning for this area that would allow the campus to retain some charm and keep it accessible for all as it is now.