Avoid Voting Confusion
To the Editor:
More misinformation and confusion. My co-registrar Erica, and I hope to answer some frequently asked questions.
What do I do with my absentee if I don’t use it? If you do not want to vote absentee, you can just destroy the ballot and vote at the polls. DO NOT bring the ballot to the polls.
I moved but I still want to vote in Newtown. You vote where you live (students do not live at school — that is a temporary residence). You should register to vote in your new home.
My address on my license is different than my home address; can I still vote? You should be registered at your current address. Your license has your name imprinted and your photo, so it will not matter if your address does not match.
I have not received my ballot yet; did you send it? Ballots come from the Town Clerk’s office, 203-270-4210 or town.clerk@newtown-ct.gov.
I just checked my registration and it says I am inactive. This means that a letter was sent to you to verify your address, as we are required by law to send; we never received a response. Go to ct.gov and put “register to vote” in the search bar, then fill it out, and we can get you ready to vote again.
I know I am registered; why can’t I find my name in the search? Is your name hyphenated? Do you use two last names without a hyphen? Do you have an apostrophe in your name? Do you have two capital letters in your name? Do you use a shortened version of your name? The search requires a complete match. Try a variety of ways. You can send us an e-mail from our page on the town website with the question and we can check it when we get back in the office and reply back.
Erica and I would like to thank all of the citizens that have come forward to help this election. We have been overwhelmed with the amount of interest. We are sorry we cannot use everyone. We are full and have some lined up in reserve. Voting at the polls will be from 6 am until 8 pm on November 3rd. Please do not forget your masks.
Please check out our Facebook page, Newtown CT Registrar of Voters, and our page on the town website. We are adding more information every week.
Thank you for voting.
LeReine Frampton, Registrar of Voters
3 Primrose Street, Newtown October 13, 2020