A Vote For Harriman-Stites
To the Editor:
When a community is in dire need, its true leaders emerge with focus on providing aid, help, and communication in the most non-partisan of ways.
During this summer’s Eversource power outage that impacted Newtown for more than a week during a pandemic and a heat wave, it was Rebekah Harriman-Stites who quickly and efficiently responded to calls for assistance when my senior citizen neighbors on Brookwood Drive needed life-preserving help and, in one case, evacuation. She was absolutely proactive in ensuring their safety, rather than reactive. Stites’ opponent, Mitch Bolinsky, took the opportunity to hold blustering news conferences and pat himself on the back for doing absolutely nothing, even as residents were suffering and in need of action and restoration. Conversely, it was Stites who remained in contact with Newtown residents throughout the Eversource debacle, facilitating help and assistance for those most critically affected: the very young, the very old, and the very sick. Stites is not a game-player nor a name-caller; she is a boots-on-the-ground leader who will support our community when we need it, and lead us forward during these trying times. I have only ever voted Republican once in my life, and that was as a Newtown resident. In this election season, Rebekah Harriman-Stites gets my vote.
Elissa Altman
Webster Place, Newtown October 14, 2020