Input Still Needed For Tickborne Disease Prevention Survey
Newtown, through a proposal/bid process, has contracted with MORE Advertising, and has launched a short survey that will capture the public’s current knowledge and perception of risk about tickborne diseases. The survey includes 22 questions, and should not take more than five minutes to complete.
Launched in September, the survey is available online. It is also available in print for those who may not have Internet access or prefer to do it manually.
The plan is to promote the survey widely through a variety of groups to solicit maximum participation and input.
Follow-up work, after the survey is completed and analyzed, will include key informant interviews, additional information gathering, and focus groups adding to information already culled from the survey and interviews.
The survey and data collection is the first step in compiling a marketing plan to help target audiences that are either unaware or unmotivated by the localized threat of tickborne illnesses.
MORE Advertising is a minority- and women-owned Massachusetts-based cause marketing firm with experience successfully mounting public health and safety programs similar to what Newtown hopes to launch.
The agency recently worked with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health creating a strategic outreach and education campaign on avoiding and preventing tickborne disease, “Mosquitoes and Ticks: They’re Out In Mass!”
The Health District office located in Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, also has copies available. For more information contact the Newtown Health District at 203-270-4291 or