To the Editor:
To the Editor:
I enthusiastically support and endorse Paul Mangiafico in the upcoming November 8 election for the position of police commissioner.
I have known Paul for over 20 years and have had the privilege of serving on the Legislative Council when he was serving as a member of the Board of Education.
Paul comes to us with a proven track record of accomplishments and skills that are extremely well suited for the position of police commissioner. As a senior vice president of the American Can Corporation, he negotiated on a regular basis with a number of different unions. He dealt with their demands effectively, but with compassion and earned the respect of both parties.
Among his many strong assets, Paul is a fiscal conservative, understands the need to do more with less, and is keenly interested in representing the taxpayers of our community.
Please join me in voting for Paul Mangiafico for police commissioner on Election Day, November 8.
Joseph DiCandido
4 Whitewood Road, Newtown                                October 7, 2011