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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

Four million dollars!? Who will pay for this drastic unnecessary cost caused by the bumbling IPN “leadership.” Please, we don’t need any more of this type of “leadership” at all. Could you imagine if Bill Furrier or Po Murray were running our Board of Selectmen? The method and procedure of disemboweling the owner-operator bus was morally, ethically, and I hear legally wrong. Now it will cost taxpayers $4 million. Who will pay it? The Board of Education? The town side $4 million is more than 10 percent of the entire $37 million budget. You could gut the Public Works Roads, Parks and Rec, Library, Youth Services, FFH, and still not reach the $4 million cost to us by the IPN and its Board of Education owner-operators fiasco.

Our best hope is voting for people like Jim Gaston for Board of Selectmen. He has the ten-year experience on the Board of Finance. He has been warden of the borough for the past five years and has delivered consistently the record lowest mill rates. He’s on the Board of Governors of both the Connecticut Bar Association and the Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association. He knows how to work to get things done. He is our best hope to address a zero percent town side budget increase, and still address a $4 million liability that hangs over the town’s head, which would significantly raise our taxes.

A Return To Reason! Our forefathers had it right, Reason, thought, the respect and sharing of ideas and commonality between respectful people is what moves the people’s work forward, not “self-rationalization” where anything can be rationalized and whoever disagrees with an IPN member, the problem is “you.”

Thank you Mr Gaston for being bold enough to come forward and expose the truth. Return to Reason. Avoid “self-rationalization.” The self-rationalized IPN emperor has no clothes!

Please support Mr Gaston for Board of Selectmen, and all the Democrats!


Ross Carley

66 Currituck Road, Newtown                                   October 12, 2011

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