Main Street Property Owners Need Assistance With Maintenance
Main Street Property Owners Need Assistance With Maintenance
To the Editor:
What has happened to Main Street?
When you drive up Main Street from the Ram Pasture toward the flagpole, you are struck with the beauty of the homes and the wonderful way they are landscaped and cared for. How beautiful Newtown is!
Then, sadly, going north, you pass the flagpole and you see an entirely different Newtown. Beautiful homes forced to exist next to homes that are in desperate need of painting and repair. Childrenâs toys scattered over the sidewalk; some driveways jammed with cars. Even twisted street signs so badly in need of repair.
When we moved to here, we reveled, not only in the beauty of our town, but in the excitement that took place here: Halloween and its marvelous displays; and, of course, the parades.
All these events take place on Main Street â certainly the street most traveled by the people who live here and by the people who are passing through. It characterizes who and what we are. We cannot allow it to look like this!
We have been told that no one can address the owners of these houses because it violates their right to privacy. Perhaps that is true, but it is hard to believe that anyone can willing live this way and so we must assume that the owners need assistance in the restoration of their property. Our town must be prepared to offer that assistance. This has to be as big if not a bigger priority than the restoration of Fairfield Hills.Â
Tine Hoffmeister
41 High Rock Road, Sandy Hook                              October 10, 2005