Newtown Bridge Club To Host Lessons For Aspiring Players
Newtown Bridge Club will host two classes in modern bridge essentials at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, starting the week of October 16.
On the Double will be offered on Mondays, from 10 to 11:30 am, beginning October 16.
The six-week series of workshops is designed to give players a firm understanding when a double is meant for take-out, penalty, or something in between. A textbook is available from the instructor for $9.
Easybridge workshops will offer practice in modern bidding and playing skills on Tuesdays, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, beginning October 17.
Each workshop will consist of a brief lesson followed by play and discussion of four to six practice hands. Initial workshops will be "Opening the Bidding," October 17; "Major Suit Fits," October 24;ÃÂ and "1 Notrump Bids and Basic Responses," October 31. Five more workshops are scheduled through December.
"Bridge experts agree that bidding is the most important aspect of the game," said club manager Susan Fronapfel, who will teach the classes. "If you and your partner consistently bid to the right contract, you have a significant competitive edge. The key to modern bidding is a simple system with understandable bids."
Players are welcome to attend classes alone or with their bridge partners. Tuition is $12 per workshop ($9 for Newtown Bridge Club members). To register, contact Ms Fronapfel at or 203-733-8525.
Newtown Bridge Club, the second largest bridge club in Connecticut, is affiliated with the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). The club holds five ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge games each week at in the Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall: 12:30 pm Mondays, 10 am and 7 pm Tuesdays, 10 am Wednesdays, and 12:30 pm Thursdays.
For more information, visit
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