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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement



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To the Editor:

Dan Cruson and Michelle Embree Ku are the dedicated, hard-working, and trustworthy leadership team we need to steer Newtown forward.

Between them, Dan and Michelle bring a combined 18 years of valuable service and experience in our town, most notably as volunteers on the Board of Education (both) and Legislative Council (Michelle). Both have proven themselves highly adept at managing challenging and complex issues, which I have witnessed in attending and listening to board meetings over their many years of service.

Particularly impressive to me have always been these invaluable attributes, which they both have illustrated year after year: their patient and careful consideration of all sides of an issue; determination to gather and understand relevant information and data; ability to foster productive, respectful debate; dedication in their leadership roles to serving all the town’s residents; and approachability and responsiveness to questions and concerns.

Each of these qualities is valuable and uncommon on its own; possessing them all together, as Dan and Michelle do, is quite extraordinary and undoubtedly benefits us enormously.

Newtown will continue to face challenging decisions in the coming years, and there is no better team to lead us ahead. Dan Cruson as First Selectman and Michelle Embree Ku as Selectperson will continue to bring unmatched integrity, leadership experience, commitment, and personal skills to our precious town!

Lynn Edwards

Sandy Hook

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