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Letter Of Endorsement



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To the Editor:

Those who know me are aware that I do not endorse any one political party but individuals who I respect and admire. I have known for many years two Newtown residents who are men of honor and distinction, who continually put themselves forward for our students and our community. They are Philip J. Cruz and James O. Gaston.

Both Mr Cruz and Mr Gaston have worked with me on many local programs. Mr Gaston has participated in the American Legion Oratorical Contest for many years. He has advised our high school student winners with guidance as they advanced to District Competition. Mr Gaston has been supportive year after year of our Memorial Day commemoration on the Housatonic River (during COVID) and at the War Memorial on Main Street (post COVID).

Jim Gaston has given of himself tirelessly for years volunteering on different boards and commissions. He is fair and wise in all that he does.

Mr Cruz does all that he can during and after work to support and encourage our Middle School students. His positive demeanor has resonated with students throughout the years. I have heard on many, many occasions a former student cry out, “OMG! Hey, Mr Cruz! How are you?” You can then hear them exclaim, “that is my teacher,” to their friends. They are thrilled to see him. He is mentor for countless numbers of our youth.

As an Army brother, Phil Cruz has worked with me in two veteran service organizations. He does what he can for fellow veterans, their families, and projects to support those in need. Phil is also a Faith Food Pantry volunteer.

I whole-heartedly support Philip Cruz for Police Commission and Jim Gaston for Board of Finance. Please consider these two fine men when voting this November.

Donna A. Monteleone


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