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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Scholarship Association Continuing Awards Gifted



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Newtown Scholarship Association (NSA) recently announced this year’s lineup of continuing aid scholarship recipients. A total of $301,500 was awarded to 89 students who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior year of college.

In addition, 57 high school graduates were awarded $100,500 in June.

Due to the ever-rising costs of a college education, the NSA scholarships represent less than 15 percent of the unmet need for the recipients. The difference will become a huge burden of debt on the families and students, according to NSA.

The association also announced a year-end fund drive appeal will be mailed this month, when NSA will ask for the support of the Newtown community.

“It is through your generosity that we are able to provide need-based scholarships to students residing in Newtown,” said NSA Awards Chairperson Stephanie Gaston.

For additional information, visit newtownscholarship.org.

Scholarships And Awardees

Karen Anderson-Cole Memorial: Margaret Kost

Angels of Sandy Hook: Sarah Hasselberger

Apple Rehab Scholarship of Hope: Sheridan McNamara

Dorothea Baker Memorial: Nicole Wielebinski

Daniel Barden/Newtown Torpedo Memorial:   Sally Martinelli

Robert Y. Brown, Jr, Memorial: William Morlock, Roland Stephen

Greg Chion Band & Color Guard Memorial:  Cherokee Belval, Sara Hetzer

Greg Chion Memorial: Dean Demers, Jr

Come Together for Newtown: Emily DeGirolamo

Lee Davenson Memorial: Alec Beauchemin

Lilla Dean Honorary/Robert Dean Memorial: Joy Sgobbo

Paul Dohrenwend Memorial: Brandon Bennett

Kirk Fraczek Memorial: Anthony Pagett

Fred Frenkel Memorial: William Bloom

Nelson Fries Memorial: Rachel Cole, Abbey Doski, Rebecca Vodola

The Garden Club of Newtown: Gabrielle Amlicke, Madeline Keane

James & Barbara Hinckley Memorial: Patricia Santayana

William Honan, Jr, Memorial: Amanda LoCascio

Ruby Johnson Memorial: Chelsea Sayegh

Mack & Virginia Lathrop Memorial: Emma Sullivan

Flora Lavery Memorial: Katherine Burns

Mathew Luf Memorial: Justin Sheridan

J.P. Maguire Memorial: Daniel Spillane

P.J. McCarthy Memorial: Melissa Biscoe, Katherine Clark, Corey Hilton, Ashlee Honiker, Rachel Maguire

Gary & Zita McMahon Memorial: Cailee Rose

Isabelle Murray Memorial: Andrea Sayegh

Newtown Earth Day Festival: Ian Lew, Zachary Marmo

Newtown Memorial Fund: Kennedy Bassett, Justin Craparo, Paige Murphy, Danielle Vabner,  Michael Vabner

Newtown Proud/Newtown Strong: Abigail Hungaski, Julia Lansing, Brittany Tolla

Newtown Savings Bank: Michael Daubert, Alexander Roche

Newtown Woman’s Club: Gabrielle Amlicke

James & Betty Lou Osborne Memorial: Evan Isaacs, Zachary Kapple, Matthew White

Norma Pierson Memorial: Sarah Smith

Justin Potter Memorial: Maria Biondi

Jack & Annabelle Rosenthal Memorial: Emily Clark

Rotary Club of Newtown: Brandon Bennett, Ryanne Duffy, Tarren Horvath, Justin Sheridan, Michelle Zarifis

H.J. Russo Honorary: Emily Berube

L.C. Russo Honorary: Meagan Foy

M.G. Russo Honorary: Kevin Gorman

Rysz Family Memorial: Suzanne Kerler

Sacred Heart University Sandy Hook Elementary School: Heather Leone

Sandy Hook Elementary School: Louis Fenaroli, Dean Demers, Jr, Patrick Haggerty, Kiely Kuligowski, Veronica Webb

Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue: Sean Reilly

Savings Bank of Danbury Foundation: Grace Hubbard, Kirsten Liniger

SHOP (Sandy Hook Organization for Prosperity): Patrick Haggerty, Kevin Liniger

Manisa E. Simoes Memorial: Katherine Martinelli

Smialowski Family Fund: Grace Clark, Sara Hetzer, Shannon O’Gorman, Allison Soderholm

Paul S. Smith Memorial: Julia LeBlanc

The Taunton Press, Inc: Emily Berube, Meagan Foy, Sally Martinelli, Rebecca Silveira

Timothy Treadwell Memorial: Anna Northrop

Dr John Ullo Memorial: Wesley Morlock

Jonathan Ullo Memorial: Nicholas Swenson

William A. Upham Memorial: William Bloom, Erica Benoit, Ashlee Honiker, Jessica Principi, Patricia Santayana, Sarah Smith

Lt Robert W. Vogel, USN Memorial: Michael Cascone, Cooper McLean, David Swigart

We Are Newtown: Briana Bauch, Rachel DiVanno, Danielle Shine, Natalie Svanda, Megan Watts

Dr Louis Wasserman Memorial: Patrick Milano, Eileen Willig; Honorary: Mary Vodola

Ruth Wuerthele Memorial: Elizabeth LoCascio

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