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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Bringing The Big Top Indoors At SHS



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The National Circus Project’s Greg Milstein and Lou Beekhuizen shared a presentation with Sandy Hook Elementary School students on Friday, October 2.

Mr Milstein is the National Circus Project’s executive director and Ms Beekhuizen, also known as “Little Lou,” is its staff director.

“We are so happy to be back here again today,” Mr Milstein said near the start of the presentation, referring to a previous visit to the school.

Mr Milstein began the presentation by juggling. The secret to learning how to juggle, he told the students, is “throwing up.”

He also shared tips and tricks throughout the presentation. If students are new to learning how to juggle, he suggested using scarves instead of ball, as scarves glide instead of fall.

Mr Milstein and Ms Beekhuizen also demonstrated spinning plates, juggling sticks, spinning ropes, and other tricks and abilities during the presentation. A number of students were asked to help the presenters, like Lauren Milgram, who Ms Beekhuizen helped use the juggling sticks.

Sandy Hook student Lauren Milgram, left, learned how to use juggling sticks from National Circus Project’s Lou Beekhuizen during a school presentation on October 2.
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