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Has MIS-Representative Democracy Come to Newtown?



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Has MIS-Representative Democracy Come to Newtown?

To the Editor:

For me, this past Friday’s Newtown Bee contained very disturbing information both in articles and in the letters to the editor. As a result, I feel it necessary to ask any politician (or supporter of a politician) the following question: “What is your official party affiliation listed on your current legal voter registration?” I am concerned that the MIS-representative government (i.e., clever lying, losing government documents, forgetting — “I can’t remember,” corruption, and outright theft — think of Craig, Cunningham, Gonzoles, $90,000 “Dollar” Bill... etc, etc, etc — now infesting our national politics and certainly infested our state politics in recent years) is potentially coming to Newtown.

I support the independent political candidate movement beginning to occur in Newtown and would be glad to see that occur at our state and national level. I cheer true independents (i.e., persons who are now registered as Independents and have been so for sometime) running for office.

However, based on information in last Friday’s Bee, I perceive that perhaps there are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” among the candidates and/or supporters of candidates currently running for office as Independents or claiming to be — because some of those persons admit in The Bee to be currently registered voters of one or the other of the two major political parties — and I suspect in fact of supporting partisan candidacies of those major parties. A clever way of a major party to gain a new third line on the ballot!

Therefore, I think it is essential to ask the question posed above to all candidates running for office, here and elsewhere.

Cheers to The Bee as a great “honest-broker” for Newtown — keep up the very good work!

Richard Taylor

11 Leopard Drive, Sandy Hook                                    October 8, 2007

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