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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Forest Association Purchases Deep Brook Farm



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Newtown Forest Association (NFA) successfully purchased Deep Brook Farm after over a year long campaign, with the purchase being finalized on Friday, September 20.

Their campaign to purchase and preserve the historic property started back in August of 2023. According to NFA Executive Director Trent McCann, the organization had over 430 individual contributors to the campaign.

He stresses that the purchase would not have been possible if not for the generosity of the Newtown community and their passion to see local places in town be preserved.

“Our intentions are to preserve [the] 60+ acres in perpetuity, and we will be taking input from the public on creating multi-use trails,” McCann said. “We want to honor the agricultural heritage of the land and preserve the barns as well.”

McCann adds that this was a landmark campaign for NFA, as they are wrapping up their centennial celebration. Formed in 1923 by a group of Newtown residents, the organization started its 101st year this past August according to McCann, making the purchase of Deep Brook Farm fall in the spectrum of their 100th year.

“This is a fantastic way to lead into the second century of the NFA and our preservation efforts in Newtown,” McCann said.

For more information on the Newtown Forest Association, visit newtownforestassociation.org.


Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

Newtown Forest Association (NFA) had their purchase of Deep Brook Farm finalized on Friday, September 20 after a year-long campaign that started back in August of 2023. Over 430 individual contributors supported the campaign. Various NFA members gathered together at the farm to celebrate on Tuesday, October 8. The group included, from front left and going clockwise, NFA volunteer Rob Nimkof, NFA Board of Director Bob Eckenrode, NFA Executive Director Trent McCann, NFA Board of Directors Dan Dalton, Scott Baggett, Ed Kelleher, Harvey Pessin, Jody Eldredge, and Bart Smith.—Bee Photo, Visca
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