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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Hwang Responds To Attack Ads



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To The Editor:

Newtown Bee — Senator Tony Hwang Statement Denouncing Manipulated and Misrepresented Facts in Gun Violence Political Ad

I am appalled and disgusted by the latest political ad released by my state senate opponent. This ad is a new low in our state’s political discourse, filled with misrepresentations and personal attacks that target my character, motivation, and record on gun violence prevention.

For the past ten years, I have proudly represented Sandy Hook and Newtown. It has been my mission to advocate for common-sense gun safety legislation. The Sandy Hook tragedy is forever seared into my memory, and I have worked relentlessly to ensure our community never experiences such horror again. I have supported comprehensive gun safety reforms, including background checks, safe storage laws, limits on gun purchases, and bans on assault weapons. Just last year, I once again stood up to vote for gun safety legislation.

Yet, my opponent has stooped to a new low, taking two of my votes out of context to falsely suggest I do not support common-sense gun safety measures. This manipulation of facts is blatant and misleading. My voting record speaks for itself, and any honest review would show my consistent commitment to making our communities safer from gun violence. Balancing the rights of responsible gun owners with the need to protect our citizens from gun-related tragedies has always been my clear stance. To insinuate otherwise is dishonest and disgraceful.

The most disturbing and offensive aspect of this ad is my opponent’s decision to exploit images of children playing in a playground to score political points. The manipulation of our children, their innocence, and our community’s pain is unconscionable. Using a playground as a prop to distort my record on gun violence prevention is an act of pure desperation, revealing a complete disregard for the emotional trauma our community has endured.

I have fought tirelessly to pass legislation that protects our children, and I find these manipulative tactics deeply offensive. The safety of our children and the protection of our community are my highest priorities—always have been, always will be.

This type of political manipulation, where the truth is twisted and the most vulnerable among us are exploited, is beneath any serious candidate for public office. Let’s rise above fearmongering and falsehoods. I stand by my record, and I ask my opponent to stop these manipulated attacks, stop exploiting children and parents, and let the facts speak for themselves.

We owe it to our community, our children, and the families who have suffered so much to rise above dirty political tactics. We must do better than this. Let’s put people before politics and work together to find real solutions.

Tony Hwang

State Senator (R-32)

Comments are open. Be civil.
1 comment
  1. BRUCE WALCZAK says:

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is a line from an old playground rhyme that children use to defend themselves against name-calling and verbal bullying. The rhyme is intended to help children remain calm, avoid physical retaliation, and increase resiliency.

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