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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Discusses Immigration



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To The Editor:

Recently, I observed a conversation between a Democrat and a Republican on the issue of immigration. Being a legal immigrant to America, I listened with keen interest to their sparring, recalling my chance at the American dream, my commitment to the legal process, and my promise to fully assimilate into American culture by honoring the Constitution and values of this country. As such, I took the first step by learning the language formally in a classroom, where the instructor’s first word to us was “free” as in freedom and not as in procuring social services.

The Ideology of Globalization and a New World Order has opened the floodgates to illegal immigration, destroying our guardrails and overwhelming our social services, education, healthcare, housing, and labor markets, while stoking the flames of terrorism, crime, and widespread anarchy. This all began with the European Migration crisis of 2015 and the globalists are utilizing the identical playbook. The rapid spread to the United States was accelerated by Biden and Harris on day one, but in an attempt to distract, Biden appointed Kamala Harris as the “Border Czar” to assuage the shock and alarm of American citizens who were paying attention.

Now back to the debate. The Democrat insisted that an immigration crisis never existed and that it was just a ruse created by the Republicans to incite fear. As insulated as we are in the beautiful little bubble of Newtown, don’t be cowed into thinking it won’t happen here. And ask yourself, “What’s the end game?”

Kamala Harris and the Democrats need to own this immigration crisis! Vote Republican and let’s keep our precious sovereignty and get back on track by enforcing the immigration laws we already have in place. It’s just that simple!

Bruno Gaget


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