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Beyond Our Backyards



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To The Editor:

I remember back to the last presidential election season of 2019 when the mainstream media kept banging on about Donald Trump taking us into WWIII — his mean tweets, disruptive persona, and bold style of governing threatening to destroy all of humanity. But here we are nearly four years later, and the threat of WWIII is ever more real, due to the disastrous policies and deceptive practices of the Biden Harris administration.

With our nation running on autopilot, does “turning the page” mean we should forget that our commander-in-chief’s diminished mental faculties have been on full display to the entire world for four years? Are we to forget about the debacle in Afghanistan and the unfreezing of Iranian assets? Are we to forget the rampant anti-semitism gripping our nation, the unmitigated illegal immigration, the failing domestic policies of the Democrats, and their blaring resolve to put Americans last by riding roughshod over our guaranteed civil rights?

Under President Trump’s leadership, we saw, “…a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity.” With his policies in alignment with his values, President Trump brokered the Abraham Accords; moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem; withdrew us from Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal; slapped sanctions on Iran; held our allies accountable for their financial commitments to NATO; and built a wall to combat illegal immigration during an economic boom.

Strikingly relevant today is President Ronald Reagan’s stance against communism, summed up by one of his most famous quotes, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape.” Elections are not congeniality contests, understand what is at stake beyond our own backyards and vote like your life depends on it!

Joanne Gaget


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