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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Addresses Climate Change



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To The Editor:

On July 18, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, we wrote our most recent article on climate change “Pay Attention to Mother Nature.” Since then, a lot has happened.

During the summer, experts warned that this was likely to be an active and violent Hurricane Season. Turns out, they were right. Debby, Helene and now Milton … Of 13 named storms so far nine have become hurricanes and four have had serious consequences for Mainland US.

You don’t need us to remind you of the tragedies: the 350-plus deaths and destruction these storms have caused in Florida, Texas, the Carolinas and other States. What must those poor families be going through, who have lost everything? They deserve our sympathy but, more importantly, our help.

The last thing they need is a couple of old guys from Newtown telling them that this is all due to climate change. We appreciate that and we surely appreciate all the first responders and volunteers who are working tirelessly for them. But they might appreciate us highlighting the issue, in the hope that their children and grandchildren may not have to go through something similar?

What these storms demonstrate, is that it’s not just the winds that are contributing to the damage; it’s the intensity and duration of the rainfall causing horrific flooding. We’ve seen it in New Hampshire and Vermont. We’ve seen it in Newtown and the surrounding areas from what was supposed to be a routine rainy day … It can happen anywhere!

As the Weather Channel puts it: “The record high water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico are acting as rocket fuel.”

Some will say “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Others that “There’s an Ice Age coming. It’s all cyclical.” Well, yes an Ice Age is coming (probably 10,000 years from now) and yes there is something we can do about Climate Change in the meantime.

November 5 is just around the corner. Lobby the candidates. They need your vote. We need them to step up and show real leadership. A “Head in the Sand” approach won’t solve it.

We know the two parties currently have different priorities and very different approaches. We know that the Economy, Inflation, Reproductive Rights, Gun Safety, Border Security, Crime etc are all very important issues. But, guess what, Politicians? That’s your Job Description. Making things better for all Americans. And there’s room enough in the partisan country we have, for a Bi-partisan approach on Climate. Start now. Show America’s Leadership!

If we had listened better to Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” in 2006, we would have had almost 20 years doing more to solve the problem and maybe this year’s hurricanes would have been less deadly and destructive?

Your votes matter.

If you enjoy our letters, or even if you completely disagree, let us know what you think. Send a response to The Newtown Bee.

Frank Gardner & Neil Randle

Sandy Hook

Comments are open. Be civil.

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