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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

A Former Republican’s Call For True Patriotism



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To The Editor:

As a former Republican, I voted for Tony Hwang in prior elections, even while voting against Donald Trump, believing he could offer pragmatic leadership.

However, his unwavering loyalty to party over policy and his alignment with an increasingly MAGA base is troubling. As laid out in Trump’s platform, Agenda 47, the clever term “local control” hides concerning details. The agenda seeks to defund schools that don’t adhere to specific political or religious ideologies, enforce conformity of thought, and prioritize extreme measures like “hardening” schools, all while undermining local autonomy.

Also, Trump’s “concepts of a plan” where his government works with local police to arrest those he deems criminal, should send a chill down any American’s spine.

Instead, we need leadership that supports true patriotism. That’s why I’m voting for Rob Blanchard. His goals to expand access to affordable childcare, attract more teachers, and expand access to employer-sponsored dependent care accounts through employer incentives are particularly appealing. He also advocates for incentivizing renewable energy, working with land trusts to preserve and steward more land, and reducing utility costs through community aggregation.

All these policies would be hugely beneficial for Fairfield County while meeting our common goals. This is the type of forward-thinking leadership Connecticut needs for a better future.

Jonathan J. Webster


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