Endorsing Rebekah Harriman-Stites
To the Editor:
I am pleased to whole-heartedly endorse Rebekah Harriman-Stites for reelection to the Board of Education. In her first four years on the BOE, Rebekah has proven to be a tremendous asset to our school system and our community. She is exceptionally dedicated to Newtown’s children and their success.
In addition to serving as vice chair of the Board of Education, Rebekah has achieved a long list of impressive accomplishments in her first term. She led the effort to create a critically important special education contingency fund, which helps fund unexpected special education needs. She has served as chair of policy committee, leading the rewriting of critical policies to ensure student safety, equality, data protection, and ethics. Rebekah has fought to ensure that we have continued to provide adequate brain health resources for all students. She has also partnered with our superintendent to bring a full time grantwriting position into the district, a position which has not only paid for itself, but has brought hundreds of thousands of dollars into the district over the last four years.
Rebekah is a leader who will continue to fight for what is right for the school district and will continue to work with both parties to achieve that. Her record speaks for itself. Please join me in voting for her on November 5!
Joan Plouffe
9 Sturges Road, Newtown October 9, 2019